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Dec 23/16

KCF’s 12 DAYS OF Christmas!!!

1 MU (bar or ring)/strict C2B or pullup

Sub: 1 Wall Walk (no bands on the rig today)

2 KB Swing (55/70)

3 Strict ring dips

4 BJ (30/36)

5 Med ball cleans (16/20)

6 Pistols


8 KB Snatch (35/55)

9 Burpees

10 – per leg – OH stationary lunge (35/45)

11 T2B

12 GHD

** this workout is performed just like the song is sung: the rep scheme is 1, then 2/1, then 3/2/1, then 4/3/2/1...continuing on until you end with 12 down to 1 reps **

© 2017 by Keating CrossFit

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