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Strength: MU/Pullup

A - 3 min EMOM

5 strict pullup (your choice reg or c2b)

B – 3 min EMOM

5 strict dips

C – 3 min EMOM

1-3 MU (bar or ring)

** if you can’t do a MU: 2 BB row (55/75)+ 2 Box Dips

WOD: ** each min is for max reps **

6 min EMOM

Even min: P. Clean(75/115)

Odd Min: HSPU

1 min transition to next station + rest

6 min EMOM

Even Min: B. Squat (75/115)

Odd Min: pullups

1 min transition to next station + rest

6 min EMOM

Odd Min: P. Snatch(75/115)

Even Min: DU

© 2017 by Keating CrossFit

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