March 16/17

Strength: Snatch
Every 90 sec EMOM for 6 sets
3 position snatch
#1 - @ 45%
#2 - @ 50%
#3 - @ 55%
#4 - @ 60%
#5 - @ 64%
#6 - @ 70%
** your choice power or squat
** the goal is to hang onto the bar for all three repetitions, however, place the bar down for the third repetition (full snatch from the floor). Pull the third repetition from a dead stop.
WOD: 5 rounds
21 burpee over BB
15 reps:
rnd 1 -
rnd 2 - fr.sq
rnd 3 - push jerk
rnd 4 - fr.sq
rnd 5 -
9 BJ