Jan 10/17

The challenge workouts and heat schedule will be posted tomorrow!! There is still 2 scaled spots available lets get them filled up!!!
Strength: Squat Clean
10 min EMOM
Min 1: 2 reps @65%
Min 2: 2 reps @ 70%
Min 3: 1 rep @75%
Min 4: 2 reps @ 70%
Min 5: 2 reps @75%
Min 6: 1 reps @80%
Min 7: rest
Min 8: 1 rep @83%
Min 9: 1 rep @87%
Min 10: 1 rep @90%
WOD: 5 Rounds for Max Reps
Min 1: Row for Calories (45 sec) Min 2: P. Snatch (65/95) Min 3: Bar over Burpees (lateral) Min 4: Rest