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Dec 27/16

Strength: HSPU

12 min EMOM

Each minute is a % of your max set of HSPU (strict or kipping)

Min 1: 50%

Min 2: 40%

Min 3: 30%

Min 4: rest

Repeat 3 times

** if you have less than 5 HSPU in a minute, aim for 2 reps each minute. If you don’t have HSPU then use a DB that you can do for 20 reps UB and use that weight for basing the % each minute for reps. Min 1 = 10 reps, Min 2 = 8 reps, Min 3 = 6 reps **

WOD: 3 Rounds

400 m run 12 Push Jerks (95/135) 15 T2B

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