EVENTS - Keating CrossFit New Year Challenge - Saturday, January 17
EVENT 1 8am-10:00am
“Jackie” – 10 min time cap Scaled:
1000m row 1000m row
50 thrusters (45lb BB for men and women) 30 BJ (20”/24”) – step ups ok
30 pullups 50 S2O/H (35/45)
15 min transition 10:00-10:15am
EVENT 2 10:15-12:00 noon
10 min AMRAP
Barbell Complex at 75/115 Scaled: barbell at 55/75
5 D/L
5 H.Cl
5 Fr. Sq
5 S2O/H
5 B. Sq
LUNCH: 45min 12:00-12:45pm
EVENT 3 & 4 12:45-2:15pm
5 minutes for
1 rep max thruster
1 Min. Transition
2 min to accumulate max reps DU Scaled: single skips
15 min transition 2:15-2:30pm
EVENT 5 2:30pm-5pm Scaled:
15 min AMRAP 15 min AMRAP
10 Dips 15 Burpees with a jump onto a plate
10 Wall Ball 15 Air Squats, butt touches the med ball
10 HR Pushups 15 Med Ball Situps (14/20)
10 BJ